Sort By 24hr Time

I have an Array of objects each with a 24 hour time attribute. I want to simply sort the array so earlier times 00:00 are put in the front and later times 23:55 are put at the end of the array before I map over. Here is a bit of Javascript to make the sort happen.

    .sort((prev, curr) =>{
      if(!prev.timeStart || !curr.timeStart) return

      if (prev.timeStart > curr.timeStart) return 1

      if (prev.timeStart < curr.timeStart) return -1

      return 0

    .map((sec, i) => {

      if(!sec) return 

      console.log('sorted → ', sec.header, ' - ', sec.timeStart);

      return (


What If I want Times between midnight and 3am to be the next day?

I was using this snippet for my Party-Planner app. I needed to account for "end of night" to sometimes be after midnight like 12:30am, 1am, etc. Those Dates needed to account for a time in the next day, not sort themselves to the top of the current day.

Here is a little helper hack that makes it work. The 2024-01-01T date is an arbitrary date just so I can programmatically make it the day later 2024-01-02T

export function appendDateForSorting(time:string) {
  switch (true) {
	// you could omit this first case since the default does the same thing
    case time >= '04:00':
      return '2024-01-01T' + time
    case time < '03:59':
      return '2024-01-02T' + time
      return '2024-01-01T' + time

Now update .sort()

.sort((prev, curr) => {
	const a = appendDateForSorting(prev.timeStart)
	const b = appendDateForSorting(curr.timeStart)
	if (a > b) return 1
	if (a < b) return -1
	return 0

